The Markletic blog has over 20,000 subscribers who are interested in Marketing Technology (Martech). We are always looking for brilliant contributors to supply quality content for our valued audience.
Submitting a guest post will get your content in front of our active readers and will help you build trust and brand awareness. It will also improve your domain or page authority score; key for SEO.
Our number one priority is to supply high-quality content and provide an excellent user experience for our audience.
Successful guest contributions are posts that teach our audience something new about marketing technology. These are some of the topics our audience love:
Our readers tend to prefer articles that are data-driven, comprehensive, and straight to the point. When writing articles, always aspire to add value to their companies.
The ideal article has more than 1000 words and ends with a conclusion.
A guest contribution can have no more than one link to your website. When you are referencing external sources such as data, quotations, and images, you must apply proper attribution.
Our readers are our number one priority. To ensure the best user experience, there are some things we just can’t accept:
If your article meets the Markletic editorial guidelines and our content strategy, then we will notify you before we publish it. We will take a maximum of 5 business days to review your submission.