What is Athletic Digital Marketing?

Table of Contents
Hello and welcome to the first ever post on Markletic! My name is Ricky Wolff and I’ve created this blog to write about Athletic Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a great passion of mine and it is what I like most about all the things you can be doing with marketing. The simple reason why I love digital marketing is that it is measurable. By collecting accurate data about your campaigns and digital marketing efforts, you can make educated decisions about your next steps. On top of that, you can create a better user/customer experience. Who doesn’t love a great user experience?!
In this post I will be talking about what I consider to be Athletic Digital Marketing, I will be setting expectations, and list some of my future blog topics. Hint: I need your help with this.. 🙂
What is Athletic Digital Marketing?
I can hear you thinking: what is Athletic Digital Marketing? I will no longer keep you waiting!
As a marketing manager, I am continually doing loads of research for future campaigns and digital marketing efforts to develop a successful strategy to supply my sales team with the leads that they need. Based on my experience, you need to be doing many things right to be successful. You can do one thing excellently, but if the remaining things in your strategy are failing, then you are unlikely to be successful. This sounds simple, but in reality, this is difficult to accomplish. But don’t worry, this blog will help you!
The same goes for being athletic. Now, I am not even talking about being super athletic like the people competing in the Olympics :). If someone wants to be fit and athletic, many things in the equation would lead to that result. For example, you could be working out 5 times per week, but if you are not eating properly or not doing your exercises right, working out 5 times per week will not get you very far. You’ve guessed it, sports is another great passion of mine!
With digital marketing, the same applies. You could be doing great SEO, but if your content is terrible, you will not get the conversions that you are looking for. You need to have a fantastic SEO strategy, you need great content, you need sublime design, your website needs to be optimized and your internal lead funnel must be efficient et cetera. Besides, getting to the results that you are after takes a lot of work, effort, and consistency. The same applies to be athletic.
This is what I call Athletic Digital Marketing. In summary, Athletic Digital Marketing lays its focus on making sure that all your digital marketing activities are great, optimized and complement each other. This will be accomplished through hard work, efficiency, and consistency. It is a mindset that marketers need to be successful.
What can you expect from this blog?
Now, I appreciate you getting this far into the post! I hope you like the concept of Athletic Digital Marketing. At first, the only people reading this post will probably be my girlfriend and some close friends… Special thanks to them! Haha. Of course, I intend to grow this blog by implementing Athletic Digital Marketing.
Each of my posts will be a small building block (find the easter egg) that you can use to create a successful digital marketing strategy. I will be talking about various topics about digital marketing. As I will be learning from my real life experience, I will be sharing my findings with you. I’m always delighted to hear about things that are working from your side as well!
I aim to keep things real and not tell my readers non-sense. I’ve created this blog myself, from setting up hosting, infrastructure, developing the website, setting up conversion systems and graphic design. During this process, I’ve done loads of research. One of the things that I’d noticed is that you see many blog posts along the lines of “How to set up a blog in 15 min”. While theoretically, that is possible, realistically that will never happen.
It takes a long time to set up a blog (if you want to do it right), especially if you are on a budget and need to do everything yourself. You need to think about hosting. Will you be using a shared hosting provider, or will you use a virtual private server (VPS)? Do you want to create a logo? What colors will you be using? Try to create a house style in 15 mins and in the meantime set up your blog! 😉
Future posts
This brings me to the first series of my future blog posts. I will be going through the exact process that I went through to create this blog. I will be advising on some key decisions and explain why I made certain decisions.
You have to create your blog and the infrastructure with the future in mind. For each decision that you make, you need to think in scale and the effect it will have long-term. An example: “If I use this featured image width, will this be easy for me to change in the future and will all my posts be ready for a change in the template?”.
After my initial series about blogging, I will be talking about topics such as:
- Social media
- Lead generation
- Campaigns
- Marketing Automation
There will be more topics added to the list, but this will give you an idea of what to expect.
Most of my posts will have a reading time between 5 and 10 minutes. Specific topics will be more extended, but I will try to keep my content easy to consume and not add much bloat.
I want to create the best blog possible for my readers, which I can’t do without your help. I love hearing your thoughts and I’m always open to feedback - whether is it positive or constructive criticism. You can always post a comment or send me a message.
That’s it for now! Hope I’ve made you a bit excited about Athletic Digital Marketing and if you don’t want to miss out on any posts, you can subscribe to my blog and I will send you an email when there is a new post. No spam, I promise!
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